As digital media scholars interested in accessible theory, how do we start to shift academic expectations of disciplinary and peer reviewed material as we try to reach broader audiences? Do we as scholars have a responsibility to engage debates of net neutrality, the digital divide, and open source products for the good of our communities? Specifically should we also think about the type of advocacy needed to shift tenure policies so that University see digital scholarship and pedagogy as important elements of our work as a scholars? I am also interested in thinking about accessibility along the axis of disability and supporting students who may have different needs related to digital technologies employed in the classroom.
Archive for March, 2011
We’re just a few days away from the best little THATCamp in the Southeast! We hope you’re as excited as we are. We wanted to draw your attention to the newly updated logistics page, which has new and improved information about getting to Emory, parking, and more. Notice also the link to the Emory mobile apps, which works for iOS and Blackberry devices and which will help you find your way around campus, if need be.