Archive for category Announcements

Now available: the official THATCamp SE poster!

Start spreading the news: THATCamp SE applications are now open! To help you get the word out, here’s the hot-off-the-presses THATCamp SE poster (PDF), which we hope you’ll plaster all over the Southeast.

Please forward this poster widely to listservs, academic departments, and anyone else you think might be interested. But if you do, will you drop us a line at to let us know where you’ve sent it? We’d like to avoid spamming people.

Here’s our suggestion for an email to accompany the poster as you pass it on. But of course you should feel free to use your own words.


THATCamp Southeast ( is a free “unconference” for anyone working at the intersection of the humanities and technology. It will be held at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 4-6, 2011.

We’re currently accepting applications from students, faculty, librarians, technologists, museum professionals, archivists, and anyone else who is interested in the digital (and the) humanities. We’d appreciate it if you’d pass this message on, and post the attached flyer if you can.

Because THATCamp is an “unconference,” our participants will determine the ground we cover. Depending on your interests, we may hold sessions on issues in digital scholarship, pedagogy, curation, software demos, or training sessions. In other words, you won’t present formal talks, papers, or panels. Instead, you’ll share your ideas for potential THATCamp sessions prior to the Camp. At the start of the event, we’ll collectively agree on which conversations will take place.

Our event also includes a one-day “BootCamp”: a series of hands-on workshops to help get digital novices up to speed. So don’t be intimidated if you’re new to digital humanities!

The brief application is available at The deadline is January 9, 2011.

Please email  with any questions, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter ( We look forward to hearing from you!

All best,

THATCamp Southeast Applications are Open!

The moment that you’ve been waiting for has arrived: THATCamp Southeast is now accepting applications! We’ll be taking them until 9 January, but that’s no reason to wait to apply. We plan to accept around 75 Campers and will let them know of their acceptance around 15 January.

In the coming weeks, we plan to add more information about travel and accommodations. We will also be distributing marketing materials that you can share with colleagues and students. (If you’ve got a flair for design, please feel free to create your own and share them with us!)

For now, just make sure that you keep an eye on this space and on our Twitter account for the latest information.

Reporting for Duty: BootCamp Southeast

We’re pleased to announce that THATCamp Southeast will include a BootCamp. A BootCamp is series of educational, hands-on sessions to introduce Campers to various digital skills related to research and teaching in the humanities.

Our BootCamp will take place on Friday, March 4, the day before the full THATCamp begins. This schedule (borrowed from our friends at THATCamp VA) will allow “analog” humanists, librarians, and museum professionals to learn alongside passionate and expert technologists and still participate fully in Saturday’s and Sunday’s THATCamp. And yes, you should feel free to consider this a THATCamp Southeast pre-party.

Campers should mark on their applications if they are interested in participating in the BootCamp. Tuition is free, but a handful of fellowships will be available — through the generosity of the Mellon Foundation, the Kress Foundation, and the Council on Library and Information Resources — to defray travel costs for qualified applicants.

At present we are still refining ideas for sessions. Possible sessions include the following:

  • Creating a Web Presence for Yourself and/or Your Projects
  • Text Encoding Fundamentals
  • Digitization Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Python
  • Geographical Information Systems in the Digital Humanities
  • Intro to CMSes: WordPress, Drupal, Omeka
  • Transcribing and Describing Primary Sources

However, this is your BootCamp. What would you like to learn? Please send us suggestions via the comments, Twitter, or email at . If you need help brainstorming ideas, see this range of topics that can be taught as BootCamp curriculum.

Mark Your Calendars, Tell Your Friends!

When we announced THATCamp Southeast at the end of August, the dates of the Camp were not yet firm. We’re pleased to say that the Camp will take place on 5-6 March 2011.

Of course, you want to know how you (and your librarian, museum, graduate student, technologist, and faculty friends) can attend THATCamp Southeast. For that, you will need to apply. We are working on the backend at the moment, but can now confirm that we will be opening up for applications on 1 December. We will accept applications until 9 January and hope to notify selected attendees by 15 January.

But don’t think that there won’t be anything happening here until 1 December. Keep your eye on this spot (and our Twitter stream) for still more exciting news!

New Site, New Logo!

It’s been a while since you’ve heard from us. In the past few months, the THATCamp SE planners have been ironing out details and working on our new website. While we plan to iron one or two last wrinkles out of the website design, we’d like to thank Regional THATCamp coordinator Amanda French and CHNM’s Jeremy Boggs for their work on “THATCamp-in-a-box,” which is providing the backbone for organizing the event. It’s great to know that the crowdsourcing starts well before the THATCamp itself does.

And speaking of crowdsourcing, we put the call out to our Google Group (you’re a member, right?) for assistance with a logo. The result was our awesome new THATCamp Southeast image designed by Chrisitan Steinmetz, the Creative Manager at Georgia State University’s Library. We’re very grateful for his wonderful work.

Announcing THATCamp Southeast

We’re delighted to announce THATCamp Southeast!

What: A regional THATCamp, AKA an unconference focusing on the intersection of technology and the humanities.
When: THATCamp Southeast is tentatively scheduled for 5-6 March 2011
Where: Atlanta, Georgia (in Emory University’s Robert W. Woodruff Library and Emory Center for Interactive Teaching)
Who: organizers include digital humanities folks, librarians, and more from Emory, Georgia Tech, and Georgia State
Who’s coming: YOU as well as 75 faculty, librarians, arts and museum workers, graduate students, technologists, and more!

We’re still in the early planning stages but you can join the conversation about THATCamp Southeast at our Google Group. For more updates, you can should watch this space and follow @thatcamp_SE on Twitter.

More soon!

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